Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Little Details

Two of my top three favorite movies are Disney’s Tangled and 27 Dresses. (You are welcome to take guesses at the third, just be warned that it’s not anywhere near that ballpark.) I love lots of aspects of these movies; take the line from 27 Dresses: “I feel like I just found out my favorite love song was written about a sandwich.” LOVE IT!

But my favorite favorite things in these movies are the little details, like how Rapunzel’s chameleon is named Pascal, and one of the three books she reads is a geometry book or how right as the dream-boat, Kevin, and our Leading Lady, Jane, part ways at the taxi the Wall Street Journal truck drives between them, and it’s the same thing that drives them apart later on…

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Man-Failure Disorders

I think it’s a pretty easily understood equation:


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Like a "Good" Neighbor, State Farm is...Feminist

Unfortunately, you can’t talk about motherhood these days without talking about feminism, so let's get it out nice and early: I’m not feminist.

Studies have shown that the majority of women my age that say they’re not feminist actually are, and are only speaking out of blind ignorance, having accepted the stereotypes of feminists, but this isn’t me. I’m a sociology student; I know enough about different feminist theories to know that I reject them all on ethical and intellectual grounds. So when I'm pointed towards blogs like this and am force fed books like this in class I’m nothing less than repulsed.