Sunday, January 2, 2011

Like a "Good" Neighbor, State Farm is...Feminist

Unfortunately, you can’t talk about motherhood these days without talking about feminism, so let's get it out nice and early: I’m not feminist.

Studies have shown that the majority of women my age that say they’re not feminist actually are, and are only speaking out of blind ignorance, having accepted the stereotypes of feminists, but this isn’t me. I’m a sociology student; I know enough about different feminist theories to know that I reject them all on ethical and intellectual grounds. So when I'm pointed towards blogs like this and am force fed books like this in class I’m nothing less than repulsed.

However, when I’m watching my game on ESPN and this comes on, my hackles rise and I start sniffing for blood in the water.
Here’s what this ad is saying:

-Buy State Farm insurance, and all your problems will be solved. Hoorah!
-Men are stupid.
-Men objectify women.
-It is bad that men objectify women.
-Women are strong and independent.
-It is good that women are strong and independent.
-Don’t forget, men are stupid.

Now, individually, there are some things on this list that aren’t all that incorrect: it being bad that men objectify women, for instance. Sure, I’ll agree with that. It’s the conglomeration, however, that is the problem:

-She objectifies him. She does this because the man is “stupid.” She is able to do this because she is a strong, independent woman that is capable of exercising influence in their relationship.

-He objectifies her in response. He does this because he is “stupid,” “misogynistic,” you name it. He is able to do it because he has "inherent" power "as a man." (Note: not because he should also be capable of exercising influence in their relationship, or anything else. His power is obviously just a social construction.../sarcasm)

So here’s the truth of this ad: society doesn’t want to be accused of being sexist, so society says it is not okay for a man to objectify a woman...but it’s perfectly acceptable for a woman to objectify a man.


I’m not going to buy it: are you?

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